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Tatra SkyMarathon is the idea of ​​creating a unique event in the heart of the Tatra Mountains


Tatra SkyMarathon Golden Trail World Series, for the first time the best runners from all over the world will start in Poland in the most prestigious series of mountain runs.


The route will run through two popular Tatra valleys: Kościeliska and Chochołowska and the highest point will be Starorobociański Wierch where the Summit Fanzone will be organized.


In numbers 28 km and 1700 m + height differences, the best will cover this route in approx. 2 hours 25 min, the average tourist takes approx. 12 hours.


Additionally, there will be the Orava Trail runs starting in Twardoszyn - 36 km, the Tatra Trail - 15 km, the Tatra Skyline charity event in memory of the Tatra Couriers - 54 km, and the Marmot Run - a multidisciplinary competition and activities for children.


For spectators and tourists, there will be workshops on first aid and mountain safety, a guided tour, and many other attractions. Details can be found in the program.

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